Friday, February 5, 2016

ListVerse, unfriendly elitist site for freelance writers.

As the stingy motherf... that I am, I'm always searching for ways to make money online or to work at home, that way I don't have to spend in gasoline going to work, and there's other privileges that it has like not having a boss yelling at you or a bossy coworker that you must see every day.

So, I do many things, some of them pays well, some other don't, blogging for example hasn't been as profitable as I expected, but I answer surveys online, I make translations and even when I've tried and failed over and over again to be a freelance writer I just keep trying, because it sounds pretty cool to be paid for writing, specially for someone who loves it like me.

In sites like Elance or Freelancer it is extremely hard to get a job, people always hire experienced writers with good points and comments, but, how are you supposed to earn those good points and comments if no one ever gives you a single task to do?

Two weeks ago I read about ListVerse, a site where "anyone" can submit a list of 10 things "about anything", and if they consider it cool then they publish it and you get paid. Amazing! (I thought), "I'm going to try it". So I spent like 20 minutes reading their guidelines and about an hour researching and writing my first proposal: 10 Facts About Being In College.

A day after I submitted my list I received an email from ListVerse telling me that they couldn't accept my proposal because they feel that "it is a topic that won't appeal to their readers". Wow ok, so.... let me check then what they have published so far, what topics are appealing to their readers.

The lists were pretty silly: 10 Musicians That Were Loved By Dictators, 10 Common Things People Believed Were Invented By The Devil. Other lists were pretty clever being honest, so I decided to make a second try, a whole day researching, writing, editing and drinking coffee. My next proposal: 10 Mexicans Who Have Succeeded In The United States. My man, that second list was damn good, for real, it was interesting, informative and entertaining, and they rejected it again!

So I emailed them asking them if they have topics to write about, that I didn't understand why they had rejected my first 2 proposals and that if they a wait list of subjects they would like someone to write about then I could do it.

Screenshot of the email I sent:

A week later they responded:

Sorry about that? Oh ok, so I'm just understanding that they won't provide any help, "we don't care about your effort, we won't ask you to edit your list, we'll just say no, we'll say sorry about that! Just write and write and may be some day we'll publish your list", or may be never, may be they're racists and won't publish a list written by a Mexican, so thank you ListVerse for nothing, I don't have a single idea of that will appeal to your readers but apparently it is something like "10 Reasons It Still Sucks To Be A Millennial" one of your published lists.

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