"I know a very delicate fact that can be verified by anyone who read this".
The employee who prefers to remain anonymous for obvious reasons has worked as a dishwasher and as a waiter at the buffet that hit national headlines when a customer found a mouse on her plate, fact that happened in the same restaurant at El Paso, Texas where our interviewee works.
- SA: What can you tell us about that mouse a lady found in her plate?
- I can not say it's true, but I can not deny it, it would not surprise me it was true, when I was a dishwasher I saw terrible things inside the kitchen, my colleagues say that the mouse was a farce, but even if it is a lie that does not save the buffet of other things, many people doesn't know this but Lin's was closed a day of February by the authorities due to extreme dirt found in the kitchen.
- SA: Please tell us more about that.
- It was February 16, some guys appeared and begun checking everything related to the cleanliness of the buffet, they even checked our hands to see if they were clean, when they checked inside the kitchen they realized something we'all (the employees) know: everything in there is excessively dirty. I took some photos of the place without clients, we have 2 bosses, T*m and T*ny, they were very clever that day, since the authorities gave them a few hours to clean as much as it was necessary they stuck a paper at the entrance that said "sorry, we are having issues with the air conditioner, we'll be open in a few hours".
"The place remained closed for 2 hours due to excessive dirt found by the inspectors, the clients were told a different thing".
- SA: What happened in that period when it was closed?
- The boss ordered everyone to clean everything, specially to the kitchen crew, T*ny a bossy, grumpy, disrespectful Chinese guy was very angry, but it was all his fault, he doesn't want the kitchen crew to clean properly, he just cares about cooking, constantly cooking, even if the trays and pans are dirty, he once pushed me and grabbed a pan that I was cleaning, he took it to a cooker and I knew it was still dirty but one can not do anything about it.
- Excuse me... he pushed you?
- Oh yeah, he's always yelling, pushing and treating us like crap, believe it or not he once yelled at me because I showed up earlier to work, the waiters' chief told me to show up at 10 in the morning, so I did, and when T*ny saw me he started yelling incomprehensible things at me, he doesn't speaks English very well, what I understood was that he didn't want me to clock in even if I was already there, he wanted me to wait until 11 am to clock in, in other words, he wanted to steal my working time. Working there is very confusing, we have another boss, S*nny, he treats us way better and tells us that if we work all day we can take whatever we want to eat, but we all know that if T*ny sees us eating he will dismiss us.
- So, the employees does not have free time to eat?
- What would you do? The friendly boss tell you to eat something whenever you want, no charge, but the other boss, the grumpy motherf*** is always watching and searching for an opportunity to yell at you or dismiss you or fire you.
- What other things can you tell us about this buffet? Bad or good.
- They hire gang members as dishwashers, tattooed and pierced guys which uses chains and wears pants down showing their underwear, I have a blurry pic to prove it, so long as you are eating there be sure that there is a high probability that your plate and your fork have been washed by a cholo.
"Blurry, but there it is, inside the kitchen, one of the many cholos that work there, that green thing is his underwear"
- Finally, how can we be sure that what you're telling us is true?
- If my photos are not enough then do the test, I know a very delicate fact that can be verified by anyone who read this, go to the buffet which is located at the Gateway Blvd (I-10) passing Yarbrough Dr, enter the men's restroom located in the left corner at the bottom of the place, lock yourself inside the corner booth, then stand in front of the toilet and turn upward, there is a vent for air conditioning, move your head a little trying to look inside, do you want to know what you'll see? A camera, a f*cking camera man! I just hope a lot of people can verify it before they realize we all know this and they take it off.
What the employee said was verified by Stingy Advisor, inside the men's bathroom, above the corner's toilet and inside the A/C fan there is something that seems to be a camera, but we are not entirely sure.
A photo of the employee's uniform.
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