Sunday, April 17, 2022

Lyryca announces new album "Hits From An Uknown Band".


Lyryca is re-launching itself as a band, nearly 3 years after releasing their last single Ocean Of Thoughts.

The El Paso, Texas-based group revealed its plans with a Facebook post earlier this week.

The lo-fi indie rock band has never released a formal band members list and earlier this year it was posted on its official Facebook page a black image solely with "2022" written on it, the post created some speculation since the band had been silent for a while, back in 2020 after announcing the band's decision of taking down their entire catalog from Spotify due to “revenue issues” the band stopped from releasing new music, but now it seems that a new unreleased single is on its way along with their previous songs remastered.

No further details of the new album release date were given.

Friday, June 21, 2019

The truth of getting a new job in the US. An open letter to the HR Staff.

If I see an open position either online or on the bulletin board of a certain company, I will naturally assume that they need that person in a short period of time, there is no way in which I will imagine that if I apply today for that position it will take weeks, or even worse; months for them to start comparing the different applications they have received and then start dialing to the people in order to schedule their interviews. Unfortunately, this is precisely how a great majority of the recruitment processes in the United States are designed.

How in the world is it possible that if I, the person in charge of the Human Resources department, call a person who 3 months ago applied to the company that I work for, that person will continue to be interested in working with us? It may be the case, of course, and it's because the recruitment system is designed thinking of those people who already have a job and are actively looking for another, those people, if contacted 3 months later, they can manage to say that they are still interested, the difficult part for that person would be to attend the interview without risking their current job, perhaps by asking his manager, or faking an illness, or at best, by being able to schedule the interview at a time that doesn't interfere with his current job (which is not always possible).

But, what about those who do not have a current job? Those who need a job ASAP, the ones who lost their job, that were fired. The system is not designed for them, in a case like that if after 3 months that person is still unemployed he may attend the interview with the hope that everything goes well, but what if he already found another job and he's on his 2nd week? A job that isn't precisely in the field and conditions he wanted initially but hey, it's a job! A call 3 months later from a company in which he initially wanted to work would put him in a tough situation, has it happened to you?

It has happened to me, I have lasted 3 days in a new job and then I have had to go to talk to the supervisor to say that I'm very sorry but I will have to resign since I was admitted to another job that I really wanted but from which I did not believe that they were going to call me since I applied months ago, it's embarrassing, even when you have achieved what you wanted it feels weird to throw the towel in a new job on your first week.

So this is an open letter for those who design new job openings, for those who post them on Indeed, Monster, Facebook, etc. In other words, those people directly related to the Human Resources departments all around the country, if they are willing to accept a friendly suggestion that would be the following: If the new job openings were designed in order to be streamlined, so that the time between a person filing an application and being interviewed would not exceed 2 weeks,  don't you think everything would be better?

I can hear the objections, "yes but there are positions where we will need people after 2 months and not before" or something like that, well, in those cases, how about clarifying that in the job description? How about a warning like "do not expect to be contacted until after 2 months"? That would put the applicant on notice and thus avoid many surprises and uncertainty in the process.

Please, let me know what y'all think.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Indie rock band Lyryca announces its 3rd single.

When this Chihuahua, Mexico based indie rock band caught the attention of some music blogs after releasing its first EP "Still Alive" we knew that these guys had potential.

Lyryca's music has been described as inventive and unpredictable which are good elements if you want to remain in the scene, and hopefully the band will.

On this day  Lyryca has announced on its Twitter account that they will be releasing their 3rd single on this month, no specified date yet, and that's like "Woah! Take it easy buds" considering they just started early this year, but at the same time it is like "Well, this band is going for it all".

If you haven't heard Lyryca yet I totally recommend it to you, this is brand new music, you won't find this band on your friend's iPod, so give it try and probably you'll be part of the list of those we look forward to their upcoming release.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Interview with a Lin's Grand Buffet employee about the mouse found on a plate.

Dear readers, we've just got you an interview with a former Lin's Grand Buffet employee who told us all the truth about the mouse story, the cleanliness of the buffet and how is working there.

"I know a very delicate fact that can be verified by anyone who read this".

The employee who prefers to remain anonymous for obvious reasons has worked as a dishwasher and as a waiter at the buffet that hit national headlines when a customer found a mouse on her plate, fact that happened in the same restaurant at El Paso, Texas where our interviewee works.

  • SA: What can you tell us about that mouse a lady found in her plate?
    • I can not say it's true, but I can not deny it, it would not surprise me it was true, when I was a dishwasher I saw terrible things inside the kitchen, my colleagues say that the mouse was a farce, but even if it is a lie that does not save the buffet of other things, many people doesn't know this but Lin's was closed a day of February by the authorities due to extreme dirt found in the kitchen.

  • SA: Please tell us more about that.
    • It was February 16, some guys appeared and begun checking everything related to the cleanliness of the buffet, they even checked our hands to see if they were clean, when they checked inside the kitchen they realized something we'all (the employees) know: everything in there is excessively dirty. I took some photos of the place without clients, we have 2 bosses, T*m and T*ny, they were very clever that day, since the authorities gave them a few hours to clean as much as it was necessary they stuck a paper at the entrance that said "sorry, we are having issues with the air conditioner, we'll be open in a few hours". 

"The place remained closed for 2 hours due to excessive dirt found by the inspectors, the clients were told a different thing". 

  • SA: What happened in that period when it was closed?
    • The boss ordered everyone to clean everything, specially to the kitchen crew, T*ny a bossy, grumpy, disrespectful Chinese guy was very angry, but it was all his fault, he doesn't want the kitchen crew to clean properly, he just cares about cooking, constantly cooking, even if the trays and pans are dirty, he once pushed me and grabbed a pan that I was cleaning, he took it to a cooker and I knew it was still dirty but one can not do anything about it.

  • Excuse me... he pushed you?
    • Oh yeah, he's always yelling, pushing and treating us like crap, believe it or not he once yelled at me because I showed up earlier to work, the waiters' chief told me to show up at 10 in the morning, so I did, and when T*ny saw me he started yelling incomprehensible things at me, he doesn't speaks English very well, what I understood was that he didn't want me to clock in even if I was already there, he wanted me to wait until 11 am to clock in, in other words, he wanted to steal my working time. Working there is very confusing, we have another boss, S*nny, he treats us way better and tells us that if we work all day we can take whatever we want to eat, but we all know that if T*ny sees us eating he will dismiss us.

  • So, the employees does not have free time to eat?
    • What would you do? The friendly boss tell you to eat something whenever you want, no charge, but the other boss, the grumpy motherf*** is always watching and searching for an opportunity to yell at you or dismiss you or fire you.

  • What other things can you tell us about this buffet? Bad or good.
    • They hire gang members as dishwashers, tattooed and pierced guys which uses chains and wears pants down showing their underwear, I have a blurry pic to prove it, so long as you are eating there be sure that there is a high probability that your plate and your fork have been washed by a cholo.

"Blurry, but there it is, inside the kitchen, one of the many cholos that work there, that green thing is his underwear"

  • Finally, how can we be sure that what you're telling us is true?
    • If my photos are not enough then do the test, I know a very delicate fact that can be verified by anyone who read this, go to the buffet which is located at the Gateway Blvd (I-10) passing Yarbrough Dr, enter the men's restroom located in the left corner at the bottom of the place, lock yourself inside the corner booth, then stand in front of the toilet and turn upward, there is a vent for air conditioning, move your head a little trying to look inside, do you want to know what you'll see? A camera, a f*cking camera man! I just hope a lot of people can verify it before they realize we all know this and they take it off. 

What the employee said was verified by Stingy Advisor, inside the men's bathroom, above the corner's toilet and inside the A/C fan there is something that seems to be a camera, but we are not entirely sure

A photo of the employee's uniform.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Field Agent App. Has anyone ever found the right UPC?

I recently installed the Field Agent app, you might heard of it.

Depending on your location there are certain tasks to do like going to a store to check the price of a product or taking a picture of a requested bar code, then you get paid.

The first thing I noticed was that every task was supposedly located thousands of miles away from me, but then when I picked one it clearly said "Pay no attention to the distance listed for this job", every task said the same. Bad point, there's something wrong with the app.

Then I started doing some field tasks, going to Walmart, going to Sams Club, Costco, Dollar General among other stores... so far I've never found the correct bar code (UPC) and what really grind my gears is that many times it has been due to one or two numbers.

Here's two examples.

Sams Club.

I was supposed to find a Member's Mark hands sanitizer which UPC was 78742 10686. Then I found it, I was amazed, finally! It was the brand requested, the same size, same everything, except for the last digits of its UPC: 78742 10701

Come on! And there's nothing you can do about it, you're screwed even if there is just one different number, you won't get paid.

Second case: Walmart.

This is even worse, the product to find was a bag of Kisses, an specific one which contains 3 different Kisses (or flavors) in one bag, the app said it was located at a certain Walmart, I went to the address and there was a lot of different bags of Kisses with this and that and well... I finally found it, I'm pretty sure that was the requested product, it contained 3 different kind of Kisses, but! Again the UPC was not the same:

Requested UPC: 34000 13396
UPC Found: 34000 13370

I mean, really?
That's when I said "thanks for nothing Field Agent, I'm not earning a shit, instead I'm expending gasoline on you're pointless tasks, you're out of my cellphone right now!"

Friday, February 5, 2016

ListVerse, unfriendly elitist site for freelance writers.

As the stingy motherf... that I am, I'm always searching for ways to make money online or to work at home, that way I don't have to spend in gasoline going to work, and there's other privileges that it has like not having a boss yelling at you or a bossy coworker that you must see every day.

So, I do many things, some of them pays well, some other don't, blogging for example hasn't been as profitable as I expected, but I answer surveys online, I make translations and even when I've tried and failed over and over again to be a freelance writer I just keep trying, because it sounds pretty cool to be paid for writing, specially for someone who loves it like me.

In sites like Elance or Freelancer it is extremely hard to get a job, people always hire experienced writers with good points and comments, but, how are you supposed to earn those good points and comments if no one ever gives you a single task to do?

Two weeks ago I read about ListVerse, a site where "anyone" can submit a list of 10 things "about anything", and if they consider it cool then they publish it and you get paid. Amazing! (I thought), "I'm going to try it". So I spent like 20 minutes reading their guidelines and about an hour researching and writing my first proposal: 10 Facts About Being In College.

A day after I submitted my list I received an email from ListVerse telling me that they couldn't accept my proposal because they feel that "it is a topic that won't appeal to their readers". Wow ok, so.... let me check then what they have published so far, what topics are appealing to their readers.

The lists were pretty silly: 10 Musicians That Were Loved By Dictators, 10 Common Things People Believed Were Invented By The Devil. Other lists were pretty clever being honest, so I decided to make a second try, a whole day researching, writing, editing and drinking coffee. My next proposal: 10 Mexicans Who Have Succeeded In The United States. My man, that second list was damn good, for real, it was interesting, informative and entertaining, and they rejected it again!

So I emailed them asking them if they have topics to write about, that I didn't understand why they had rejected my first 2 proposals and that if they a wait list of subjects they would like someone to write about then I could do it.

Screenshot of the email I sent:

A week later they responded:

Sorry about that? Oh ok, so I'm just understanding that they won't provide any help, "we don't care about your effort, we won't ask you to edit your list, we'll just say no, we'll say sorry about that! Just write and write and may be some day we'll publish your list", or may be never, may be they're racists and won't publish a list written by a Mexican, so thank you ListVerse for nothing, I don't have a single idea of that will appeal to your readers but apparently it is something like "10 Reasons It Still Sucks To Be A Millennial" one of your published lists.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Non-thirsty for days for less than 1 dollar.

I was thirsty today and in front of me was a Walmart, so I went in and the first beverage I noticed was a cold tea.

.89 cents plus taxes, alright... Isn't there a better option? (I thought) so I went further looking for more and I found out that individual Powerades are .80 cents plus taxes and well, they have more liquid. 

But when I checked the ingredients I realized that a single Powerade has 29 grams of sugar, that's a lot! 

So I continued searching and found the Great Value water gallons, believe it or not they're .88 cents (plus tax) and they're way more liquid than a cold tea or a Powerade.

One of those gallons will last to me about a whole week or more.